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The power of partnership
Mutually beneficial long-term cooperation and partnership is a key component of our Company. We highly value our partners and customers for their choice and trust in our solutions. Service, responsiveness and quality support are the constant focus of our management.
As part of our strategy, we offer our customers an intelligent enterprise concept to help them achieve their goals more successfully. But we need help. Only by joining forces with companies like yours will we be able to offer solutions that help our customers become high-performance companies and improve their lives, making their business easier.
When you become a partner, you make yourself known not only within your region, but also to our entire target audience.
Our Partners can count on:
Maximum technical and informational support for the partner
Provide the partner with information on existing products as well as on services under development
Actively promoting joint solutions
Become a partner on the path to success
Successful projects in recent years for public and private sector enterprises.
The projects were implemented in accordance with the specifications provided, and to this day our company provides comprehensive support for these products. Each product has been adapted to the needs of the organisation, but has been designed with the flexibility to adapt dynamically to new user needs.
«Coca-Cola Ichimligi O'zbekiston» LLC
Business process automation for the distribution of soft drinks.
«Meros Pharm» LLC
Business process automation for a pharmaceutical company.
«Универсальная мобильная система» (UMS) LLC
Automation of business processes for monitoring the status of antennas and base telecommunication stations.
Our company has been using the Smartup software for more than a year. This program is the best way to optimize our business processes. Thanks to it, we spend little time on reporting and devote more time to doctors and pharmacists to give extensive information about our activities. I would like to give special thanks to the managerial team. for their efficiency and responsibility. I wish your company prosperity!
Lee Si Sung
CEO Yuhan Uzbekistan
The company provides quality support for the developed system. A complete history of changes and comments on tasks is available, the monitoring system allows you to monitor the progress of work and make adjustments, if necessary. Smartup was implemented without subjecting the existing 1C system without significant changes. Thank you very much for your professionalism and prompt solutions Problems that arise and high qualification of the developers on staff.
Мурзахунулы Алибек
Commercial director "Profit Trade" (Kazakhstan)
There is a huge amount of software available for distribution automation. We opted for the Smartup ERP system. It is one of the most effective programs software to automate business, for all departments of an organization. Smartup team is always available, assist our employees when necessary. And on a side note, it turns out that Smartup ERP system is not only suitable for trade, this program can work for any organization with any type of nomenclature.
Касимов Ернар
Regional Sales Manager «AQUA ROSSA» (Kazakhstan)
Thanks to the implementation of Smartup, all work is carried out at a planned level, it allows you to directly manage the work of each team member, to solve any problems as quickly as possible, to change the employees' direction and the order of tasks as quickly as possible. We highly appreciated the professionalism of specialists, their attitude to the tasks at hand, as well as the level of interaction with clients. Level of relationship with a client that meets all modern standards.
Игликов Суйинишбек
Sales Director "Kulsay" (Kazakhstan)
The implemented Smartup ERP system with 1C synchronization covered all the pain points of the company - it helped to build a full sales cycle, automate the processes of the sales department, warehouse and logistics. Before implementing Smartup solutions the organization was facing the fact that the process of receiving orders from sales outlets was taking a long time, and it was slowing down the interaction with customers. The cloud solution makes it possible to be sure that in all situations, the work will not be interrupted.
Andakulo Aiat
Director «MUZBELL» (Kazakhstan)
Наша компания, имея филиалы в нескольких городах Казахстана, нуждалась в создании единой клиентской базы, которая бы объединяла данные всех регионов. Также немалую роль в выборе программы для автоматизации работы компании сыграла и возможность интеграции Smartup c 1C. А работа технического отдела порадовала эффективными решениями на задачи, которые ставила перед нами наше руководство. ТОО «Азамат» советует выбирать Smartup.
Shamaeva Tatiana
Senior Operator "Azamat" (Kazakhstan)
Впервые с программным продуктом Smartup я познакомился в 2014 году, когда ещё была актуальна третья версия. С тех пор Smartup значительно изменился и не побоюсь сказать, что превратился из CRM в почти полноценную ERP систему. Благодаря этому программному продукту компания начинает развиваться быстрее, так как Smartup предлагает комплексное решение и обеспечивает синергию между всеми бизнес-процессами.
Valerii Khan
Commercial director “Tanho Holding"
В течение 6 лет наша компания пользуется программой SmartUp. За это время программа более оптимизировалась и стали доступны новые функции. Запуск автоматизированного программного обеспечения играет очень важную роль в нашей работе и, поэтому мы выбираем SmartUp. Техническая поддержка и Разработчики программного обеспечения выполняют свою работу очень оперативно. Если потребуется какая-либо помощь или изменение в программе, техническая поддержка и программисты окажут помощь в кратчайшее время.
Адылов Ильхом Алишерович
Оператор ООО"Insignia Tade", дистрибьютор RB и SPLAT в РУз
С Green White Solutions возможно всё. За год с небольшим времени мы разработали и внедрили сверхамбициозные, порою дерзкие проекты, аналогов которым пока еще нет в Мире! Зелено-белые выходят на мировой рынок IT-продукций.